the Templar Kingdom is GMT 00:04:24
the Templar Kingdom is GMT 00:04:24


The Kingdom uses a different calendar then the rest of Europe. The start date of their calendar is at the formation of the templar order. So as to know in which year we live, ( from Jan 1 to March 21 subtract 1119, March 21 to Dec 31 subtract 1118) from the current gregorian calender, to know the date in Templar Years. (TY) example: 1980-1118=862, writen as TY862/1980AD or as 862/1980 or just as 862.


All month of the Templar calendar have 30 days and start with the full moon, month can overlap into the new year. The new year starts with Semana-Santa, which is always the first week of the new Templar year, no matter which month it is, this entire week is a national holiday. The names of the 12 month are named after the 12 apostles, "the month of Matthew, the month of Mark...ect"


To avoid refering to pagan gods, here is how the Templar Kingdom calls the days of the week.

sunday - Sunday

monday - Moonday

tuesday - Earthday

wednesday - Midweek (Planet(s)day)

thursday - Starday

friday - Fastingday

saturday - Lord'sday 


International date format: dd/mm/yyyy in which the month is always in written roman numerals!

example: 05-X-1980


National date format: dd/mm/yyyy TY, in which the month is always in written roman numerals!

example: 05-X-862TY

the roselin, running through the chapel at the castle ©
the roselin, running through the chapel at the castle ©

the day starts offically at sunrise and the day has 12 am hours and 12 pm hours, the 24 hour clock is not used.


Also the Templar Kingdom does not use daylight savings time during summer.


The Prime Meridian (correctly called roselin) runs through the chapel at the castle. The realm does not reconize any other prime meridian. The british meridian is incorrect. The templar kingdom is GMT 00:02:24 (international) and 0 national.

According to the Templar Kingdom, map (north) is towards Jervsalem
According to the Templar Kingdom, map (north) is towards Jervsalem