animals have rights too!
animals have rights too!
  • Abortion is legal only, under the following 3 circumstances: 1) rape (a police report is needed) Once the baby has a heartbeat, it is considered alive, and abortion is no longer allowed. 2) threat to the life of the mother 3) incase of genetic deformation of the infant, leading to a life of suffering. Any person involved in an illegal abortion will loose his/her citizenship and be deported
  • Accessory is defined as anyone that helps someone commit a crime before or after the crime takes place. Anyone who destroys evidence or otherwise takes part in any way, shape or form to help aid someone before or after the crime has been committed, the charge of accessory to crime is equal to the person who commited the crime.
  • Acid attacks on the human body is considered equal to rape, the person can not plead temporary insanity, minimum penalty; 20 years labour camp. If purpetrated by a foreigner or recieved recedent status, his status is revoked and he is deported after completing his term of punishment.
  • Attacking emergency service workers will get your prison sentence automaticly doubled.
  • Citizens are required, as an Act of patriotism, to each keep their own street clean of garbage/litter/dog poo. If a street is not kept clean, the neighbourhood might get fined. Restaurants need to keep their terrases, sparkling clean of all garbage/litter/dog poo/cigarete buts, at all times. not kept clean terrases, might mean a revoking of terras right. (It should be broomed into the draining system.)
  • Arranged marriages, can not be performed/held/conducted in the kingdom and are not accepted/allowed by law. (if a nation does allows for arranged marriages, the marriage in that case MUST take place in that nation). Arranged marriages made outside the realm are not upheld in the Templar Kingdom. If one was in a arranged marriage, but does want to stay married in the realm, the couple will have to get remarried according to templar law.
  • Admittable in court are: fotocopies/ microfilm/ recorded phonecalls/ textmessages/ sms/ photos/ fax/ recorded conversations/ records, after they have been verified and authenticated.
  • Adoption: If a couple (Straight, Gay or Lesbian) is not able to get children through natural means, the goverment will help with the adoption process. The Templar Kingdom does not support fertility programs, since it feels there are already plenty of children abandoned, neglegted, abused and or in orphanages. These children are already alive and have the right to live and have right to human decency.
  • Ambassadors are the only ones of the ambassedorial staff that have Immunity. other diplomats can be charged if they leave the embassy. the embassy is souvereign territory of the other nation and can not be entered by the host nation. or it is considered an act of war.
  • Animals have the right to be protected from inhumane torture, use in experimentation of product testing and abuse. Any who torture or abuse animals are subject to punishment by law. A person found guilty of animal abuse, this person is registered (with fingerprint) in the animal abuse registry and can never again own any type of pet.
    • Adopting or buying of an animal is prohibited during the week of Demonday (halloween). Starting from 4 days before till 4 days after this pagan festival.
    • All sort of animal fights (cockfighting for example) are prohibited the person doing so will get a crimal record and registered in the animal abuse registry.
    • Bull fights as are common in Spain are illegal.
    • the tradition of throwing a cat down from a (church) tower, is illegal and prohibited. the person doing so will get a crimal record and registered in the animal abuse registry.
    • Dog owners must clean up the dogs excrement.
    • stuffing an small animal up the rectum or vagina for sexual pleasure is illegal. The owner will get an animal abuse registry and can never own an animal again. the person doing so will get a crimal record and registered in the animal abuse registry.
    • Zoophilia (sex with animals) is forbidden, the person doing so will get a crimal record and registered in the animal abuse registry.
    • Abandoning a pet can lead to a heavy fine. The person doing so will get a crimal record and registered in the animal abuse registry. 
  • Citizens do have the right to bear arms, not only during the time of their compulsery service but al the time, unless temporarly indicated by law. However a citizen must be doing so discreetly and consealed.
  • the Armed Forces. A citizen must serve a minimum of three complete years in the military. one year in the army, one in the navy and one in the airforce.
  • Arson is defined as the criminal act of maliciously and willfully setting fire to property. Arson will be elevated to a higher punishment if someone is injured, or someone or multiple people are killed. Punishments for this crime may vary
  • Assault is defined as a violent physical or verbal attack, this includes threats of bodily harm and also attempts to harm someone else. This includes sexual assault. The penalty for this depends on the severity of the assault.
  • Anal sex is still considered sex and if forced upon someone, against his/her will, is still considered rape.
  • Alcoholic drinks, may only be sold in approved stores, with the appropricate licence and never be sold at gas stations, hospital, farmacy, 
  • Asylum seekers: That have claimed support can not apply for citizenship. (as does the swiss law.1) Any asylum seeker that has gone back to huis home land for vacation looses his/her rights of citizenship and get deported. (as does the swiss law. 2)
  • All lives matter, The Grail kingdom does not accept the notion or belief that one race is better then another. Privilege on basis of skin colour is not allowed.