Child labour is a crime.
Child labour is a crime.
  • Civil disobedience - Christians must obey God, more then men. If a law contrary to Gods laws is made, Christians must obey God first. So Civil disobedience against Anti-Christian law and against izlamic/satanic takeover is a must. [Obey God]
  • Child marriages are forbidden (Anyone under the age of 18 is considred a child, a man or woman over the age of 18, marrying someone under the age of 18 (at the time of the act, not at the time of prosecution) is considred a pedophile) The parent(s) can not give a paper of concent, the child will have to wait untill reaching legal age.(not normal) [do not stop sharing]
  • Child abuse is defined as the physical maltreatment, the sexual molestation, or any other failure to act against the harm or potential harm of a child. This also includes psychological or emotional abuse, as well as not tending to a child's basics, such as food, clothing, shelter, emotional, medical, and educational needs, in what ever form, fisical, verbal, deprevation, or any other form, will be dealt with severly by the officers of realm. punishment: the child will be placed with foster parents, the abuser gets 1 year labour camp and a fine of 1000 (╬) A person found guilty of child abuse, this person is registered (with fingerprint) in the child abuse registry. with every extra case of child abuse, the offender, a dobbled compounded sentence.
  • Child Labour is forbidden
  • Children of non-citizens, foreigners, temporary workers, temporary immigrants, tourists and visitors, born on Templar soil, do not recieve Templar citizenship, just because their parents happened to be on Templar soil at the time of birth. These children obtain the citizenship of their parents.
  • Child support is not paid to children living outside the country.
  • Templar Kingdom adopted the Christianophobia law, to combat "genocide, ethnic cleansing, racism, Christianophobia/Christophobia and xenophobia, and to combat all forms of cultural and religious discrimination and intolerance related to it. (Deffinition: Christianophobia and Christophobia: the "fear and dislike of all Christians/Christ (no matter which denomination of christianity) as well as hatred or dread of Christianity" stating that it also refers to the practice of discriminating against, and persecuting of, Christians by excluding them from the economic, social, and public life in izlamic dominated nations.)
  • credit card (and or debit card) hacking/theft/forgery/fraud/identity theft is punishable by minimum: 1 year labour camp and having to pay in full the double amount of the amount stolen with the credit card (and or debit card).
  • Someone with a Criminal Record can not become a: politician, judge, lawer, policeman, postman, banker, security guard, transporter of money or dangerous goods, stock broker, nor his witness/testimony can be used in court.
  • Crimes of what ever kind, do not exprie or get outdated untill 50 years have passed. One can still be charged with a crime eventhough the crime has not come to light 49 years after in has been committed.
  • Only the humanitarian acceptible version of the book of mohammad is allowed. Any other book of mohammad, that is not the goverment approuved, is banned and is forbidden from importing into the kingdom (no matter in which language the book is produced) for the containing of hate speech (russia) (against the Christians and jews).
  • Civil Servants who object to marrying same sex partners, have to find other work. religious objection in the goverment is not excepted. Leaders of religious communities however can still refuse same sex marriage in their religious buildings.
  • Critical race Theory is forbidden in the Grail kingdom, it is a rasist theory insiting hate against white people. Any one teaching this disgusting theory will lose his/her job and will even have to a fine of 1000 (╬).
  • Child benefits,can be claimed only on the ones living at home up till 16 years of age. Benefits can not be claimed for children living abroad nor for children born out of wedlock.
  • Contagious deceases; someone infected with a contagious decease abroad, can not be brought home of travel home,
  • Concubines, are either a second wife, or a sexslave, both which are not allowed under christian law. concubines or sexslaves are an abomination.
  • Clemency The Hand of the King is the only person in the Realm who has the authority to give a pardon or give clemency.
  • Canabalism - the eating of any human flesh or any other human body parts is at all time considered a crime.