Language - The Templar Kingdom uses the Latin Alphabet and Its officail Languages are Spanish (ES), French (FR), English (EN).
Books, newspapers, pamflets, brosures or any other printed/photo copied material as wel as any billboard or sign has to be in atleast one of the three official languages, (mentioned above) in any other language is forbidden and can be fined with a fine of 1000 STC(+). folloing the Austria example.
Gouverment services / brosures are done in one of the six (VI) offical languages only. (PT/FR/ES EN/NL/DE) The legal system is done in one of the six (VI) official languages only. No free translator services are offered. if one needs a translator, the service charges therefore comes solely on the sholders of the one needing translation.
- Legal voting age / driving age / marrying age / gambling age / Military conscription age / Drinking-smoking age / Age of consent: 19
- Legal document needs to contain the true (biological) sex of the person, not his/her imagined gender.
- Littering: any one found guilty of littering, will recieve community time of 6 month or more, in which the person help keeping the streets clean. The amount of time the person serves is up to the judge to deside. ofcourse with repeated offenses, the serving time is getting increasingly longer with each recieved sentence.
- Law is a term which does not have a universally accepted definition,but one definition is that law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern the behavior of its citizens.
- Laws have to be written in understandable words, easy to be understood by the layman/common man. All laws must comply with the constitution/Carta Magnifica or they are void.
- At no time is a foreign law higher then Templar law. Be that secular or religious. [following the montana example]
- Lying against autorities, can lead to heavy fines and/or jail time. changing more then twice ones offical statement to police or court, is considered lying. This testimony is no longer considered trustworth. lying ok in izlam No matter what your religion thinks, it is still punishable in Templar Law!
- Lying under oath, can lead to loss of citizenship and or labourcamp.
- Luring in new recruts with sex is against the law and is serverly punished, or for foreigner punishable with deportation. luring
- Liquor law - It is illegal to de-alcoholize, alcoholized products as wine, rum, beer, whiskey, port, liquor, etc and to sell them in the kingdom.
- Loansharks - It is illegal to ask a higher interest on a loan, that the national set interest rate.