Laws concerning religion

  • Christian bible based religions have official status of right of worship and the right to build their church or chapel in the country.
  • Official status approved religions are exempt for paying taxes over church and monastery property (a humanitarian food bank or homeless shelter falls under the monastery clause), any other real-estate (which has nothing to do with the church or the monastery) properties will still be taxed. (If rent is demanded from the people living on the monastery compound, then it is seen as a real estate housing project and is taxed).
  • Non christian religions still have a right to worship in freedom but just do not get tax exemptions/benefits as Christian religions do.
  • The priest/father/bishop etc, leading the flock is exempt from paying taxes if he/she lives on the church or monastery grounds and his/her living quarters form part of the main building. Church officials can not hold political office. Churches can not lobby government for doctrine based issues.
  • State and Church stay at all times separate, no person holding a religious office can hold a political post. No Mohamedan can ever hold a political office at any level, not even in a school board.
  • Donations to church are not taxed, if the church in question uses part of the donation for humanitarian aid causes approved by government.
  • The no complusion rule: No church can force its members to donate money to the church, nor demand tithe, nor force its members to stay in the church (if the member, of what ever faith in question, wants to leave the church/temple/congregation, he can leave, without strings attached).
  • Church is allowed to have a working clock tower but can not ring the bells to announce the beginning of mass (or any other religious services.) exept on Saturday.
  • the call to worship is not allowed, neither by church bells, or by loudspeakers or megaphone, followers should know when they religious meeting starts. [forbidden]
  • The church also is not allowed to make parades through the street and hereby block traffic.
  • Proselytizing is forbidden to all religions and can be fined with a fine of 1000 (╬)  Repeated offence is fined every time with a higher fine (2000 (╬) second time / 3000(╬) third time etc.) and with jail time for the second offence (1 month jail time second offence / 2 month third offence etc.) The Templar Church is free to do so.
  • International blasphemy laws (1) have not validity in the Templar Kingdom. Blasphemy laws, these laws will not be respected here, since this law tremples on the law of freedom of speech. See, horrors of blasphemy laws (2)
  • Religious missions from any denomination or faith are illegal and missionaries are deported immidiately back to land of origin.
  • Religion is not taught in public nor private schools, nor allowed to be taught in schools. The teaching of religion can only take place at church or their designated locations.
  • Burning a Holy Templar Bible or any other Holy Bible is punishable with (2000 (╬) + 1 month labour camp + a criminal record), foreigners performing this act, will get kicked out of the country after have completed their sentence, with no return rights. penalty is doubled on second offence. tripled on thrid offence.
  • publishing or having an immorral version of the Holy Bible is illegal and punishable. [version without Son of God] [version without Israel] [Version with God as female] are illegal!
  • The only "koran/book of mohammad" that is allowed in the kingdom is the government approved version of the "koran/book of mohammad", all other versions are banned on basis of containing hate speach [book] [book of the devil]
  • kador, nikab, burka´s are all of them forbidden by law in the Grail Kingdom on the basis of security threat. (3)  [4] since a robbery has been done with a burka. (the european Supreme court has rules in favour of France, to enforce removal of facial cover on grounds of human dignaty rights.) kador, nikab, and burka´s do not fall under the right of freedom of religion. (nl) (switserlnd) [say no] Any citizen wearing a kador, nikab or burka will get a fine of 1000(╬), 2000 (╬) for second offence 5000 third offence etc. Non-citizens doing so will be deported immediately.
  • Bordercrossing can not be done with the face covered. [security check]
  • One can not enter any goverment building with face covering. (including library/postoffice/bank/school/univercity)
  • Religious self-chastisement, or devotee corporal self-punishment, including ashura, are forbidden by law in the Templar Kingdom on the basis of religious fanaticism. Bloodletting is also considered self-punishment pain
  • Honour killings are forbidden by law on the basis of religious fanaticism and anyone involved with honour killings is subject to death penalty if found guilty.
  • Female genital mutilation is forbidden in the Templar kingdom on the basis of female mutilation laws and anyone involved in female genital mutilation practices is subject to life imprisonment with no parol, if found guilty. (or deported in case of foreigner, no return rights) 2000 girls (4)
  • sjarieja rule is forbidden and is treated as treason! It is forbidden since it is contrerary to our Divine law and the law of freedom of religion. sjarieja law tries to make all other law inferior to it (5), and therefore it is a threat to peace and freedom of religion, consecently subject to the punishment of treason.
  • Any non goverment corrected edition of the book of mohammad is banned and is forbidden from importing in to the kingdom for the containing of hate speech (against the Christians and jews).
  • Members of the westboro hate group, and the salvation army (which calls itself a "church") are both not welcome in the Templar Kingdom and will be bared from entering the kingdom on basis of hate speech against gays.
  • Members of scientology (6) can hold meetings, but is not considered a religion nor a church and there fore can not claim tax exemptions of any kind. Nor can they print/publish or distribute their written works (This falls under the Proselytizing-Act.
  • freedom of speech is garanteed, but hate speech is illegal and punishable. German example (hate speech is speech that wishes someones death, or wishes someone else would do the harming of someone else even though your encourage it.)
  • printing/publishing and spreading hate speech is illegal and punishable. (Including the printing of mohammad's book (even if it is meant only for export.)
  • The making of burkas, nikabs or isis flags is forbidden, even if it is only meant for export.
  • A Templar Church building can not be sold to/bought by, a non Christian religion/organization/company/institution etc, and can not be remodeled into a building for secular use.
  • A Church has the right to have security guards check worshippers/ visitors for weapons [churches are targets for attacks]
  • A company does not need to give time-off for prayer during work hours, nor does it need to set aside a location for prayer in the workplace. One is at work to work.
  • The government holds the right to search any religious building, at any time they like, or attend any religious meeting at any time they like. without a search warrant. (stockpilling) (hiding) (building)
  • Praying in the street (whichever religion) is at all time outlawed. For this activity, exists houses of worship. The Templar Kingdom follows, the France example.
  • non-Templar Christian prayers may not be done or held in a Templar Church building at any time. Church of England Mohamedan prayers may not be held in any christian church.
  • Outside aid to non approved religions is not allowed, the Templar kingdom follows suit with australia in this. Australia example
  • the blood "festival of aid is prohibited.
  • Deportation, the Templar Kingdom keeps at all times the right to deport apostates, jihad supporters, criminals, traitors and murderers, if it feels it is needed. Also hate preachers / misionaries will be deported.
  • The Templar church building can not be used for other religious meetings ["...the church should only open its door for  worship of “the One True God of the Bible.”] Nor can other religions pray or hold religious services on Templar church grounds.
  • No new mohamedan centers of worship may be build in the Templar kingdom following Italy's example because it contradics Holy Christian law following kuwait
  • Religious sermons given in any place of worship, must be spoken in one of the Templar Kingdom languages. Following the Austria example. (the book of mohammad is not allowed to be read outloud in public.)
  • Temple - is any house of worship of whatever faith, other then Christian. (a synagogue is an temple, a mosque is a temple, referring to it otherwise, could lead to a fine.)
  • Sabbath - No company / business is open on the Saturday. Only emergency serves stay open/available. [Police, Ambulance, fire-department and road assistance] Restaurants may be open again on saturday evening. Hospitals are open to emergencies only, visting hours are closed on saturday. A company that is open on a saturday will get a heavy fine.
  • It is forbidden to do (re)baptism of a dead person. Or do a ceramony to switch the religion of the person after his death.
  • it is forbidden to convert from Christianity to islam, if one does, (s)he looses their Templar Kingdom citizenship.
  • One is allowed to burn a koran/book of mohammad. (burn)
  • Celebrating ram-a-dam is forbidden, one doing so will be expelt from the kingdom and loose their citizenship.
the burca or nika is forbidden anywhere in the Kingdom on ground of a security threat.
the burca or nika is forbidden anywhere in the Kingdom on ground of a security threat.