If any desire to become a Frato (priest) of The Templar Church, (S)he should first read the information written below before filling out the applicationfound here on the right.


Requirements of Aplicants:

  • Be of 24 years of age or older
  • Be of a Christian faith
  • Be a Freeman/Citizen of the Realm already.
  • To be free, to become a minister of the gospel. (Not being a member of any other church hierarchy (foreign or domestic) other then the Templar Church, not having made vows to the pope or the vatican or any other organization. If a vow is made, the vow has to be unmade in writing.)
  • (s)he can not be a politician (foreign or domestic), nor be a member of any goverment (foreign or domestic)
  • Make the vow of poverty. (you will find this vow below the aplication form.)


Fill in the aplication with a blue pen, using blockletters and for a zero (Ø) use a line through the 0.



Last name(s):____________________________________________


First name(s):____________________________________________


Sex: ________________ Eye colour:_____________________


Native language:___________________________________________




Marital status_________________________________________


citizen number:_______________________________________


I,_____________________________________, Swear that I be faithfull and bear true allegiance to the Sovereign Christian Apostolic Church of the Knights Templar (aka Templar Church), Jesvs Christ our true King of Kings, and his Fid Def, and I will faithfully observe the laws set forth in the Bibli Templarii and fulfill my duties as a (wo)man of the cloth, serving our King Christ, and I do solemly swear that I will well and truly serve this holy church, and I will bring no disgrace up Christ and will do right to all manner of people, after the laws of our beloved church, without fear or favour, affection or ill ­will towards the state and or men, to the glory of God,

So help me God,









add 1 colour photo, Without hat / headcovering / sunglasses

Privileges of a Fratí:

  • the right to Vote
  • the right to assist FID DEF, in all matters of religion.

Obligations of A Fratí:

  • Defend the the weak, when needed.
  • Teach Christ Sheep

send the filled in application to:
