If any desire to become a Frato (priest) of The Templar Church, (S)he should first read the information written below before filling out the applicationfound here on the right.
Requirements of Aplicants:
- Be of 24 years of age or older
- Be of a Christian faith
- Be a Freeman/Citizen of the Realm already.
- To be free, to become a minister of the gospel. (Not being a member of any other church hierarchy (foreign or domestic) other then the Templar Church, not having made vows to the pope or the vatican or any other organization. If a vow is made, the vow has to be unmade in writing.)
- (s)he can not be a politician (foreign or domestic), nor be a member of any goverment (foreign or domestic)
- Make the vow of poverty. (you will find this vow below the aplication form.)
Fill in the aplication with a blue pen, using blockletters and for a zero (Ø) use a line through the 0.
Last name(s):____________________________________________
First name(s):____________________________________________
Sex: ________________ Eye colour:_____________________
Native language:___________________________________________
Marital status_________________________________________
citizen number:_______________________________________
I,_____________________________________, Swear that I be faithfull and bear true allegiance to the Sovereign Christian Apostolic Church of the Knights Templar (aka Templar Church), Jesvs Christ our true King of Kings, and his Fid Def, and I will faithfully observe the laws set forth in the Bibli Templarii and fulfill my duties as a (wo)man of the cloth, serving our King Christ, and I do solemly swear that I will well and truly serve this holy church, and I will bring no disgrace up Christ and will do right to all manner of people, after the laws of our beloved church, without fear or favour, affection or ill will towards the state and or men, to the glory of God,
So help me God,
add 1 colour photo, Without hat / headcovering / sunglasses
Privileges of a Fratí:
- the right to Vote
- the right to assist FID DEF, in all matters of religion.
Obligations of A Fratí:
- Defend the the weak, when needed.
- Teach Christ Sheep
send the filled in application to: